6 Strategies for Letting Go of Regret and Forgiving Yourself for the Mistakes You’ve Made

One Shrink's Perspective

*This post was also printed in Elephant Journal. Read it here.

One of the themes continuously brought to me in session is that of regret. Mistakes. A decision or surrounded by shame. A little shame-sandwich, if you will. Now, regret can be a good thing to a certain extent–when it evokes productive guilt and teaches us something we can carry forward. But, when it keeps us up at night, causes shame and anxiety, it’s no longer productive. Working through regret is an active process–it’s not something you transform in one sitting; however, these tips might allow you to see your past errors through a different lens:

1. It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time:

You know that saying, “Hindsight is 20/20?" Well, as much as I don’t love cliches, they do come from general observations about human behaviour (and thus say something about our…

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6 Strategies for Letting Go of Regret and Forgiving Yourself for the Mistakes You’ve Made
